Provincial Yearbook 2023/24 now available for download

The Province’s annual yearbook has been published today and is now available for members to download.

“The Provincial Yearbook 2023-2024 represents the culmination of masses of work put in by our lodge secretaries and the Provincial secretariat,” says Provincial Grand Secretary Trevor Byrant.

“On behalf of the entire membership I thank everyone involved at every level for their efforts in pulling together the information published in this yearbook, which details the teams behind our 12 Mark lodges, six Royal Ark Mariner lodges, and of course all those that ensure the smooth-running of the entire Province.”

Because this PDF document contains confidential information it is held behind our new ‘member wall’, so Brethren will need to be logged in to this website to access it. All Brethren in the Province should by now have been issued log-in credentials. If you have any difficulty, go to the login page and try entering your email address then requesting a login link via email.

If you’re still having problems, feel free to contact our webmaster for support.


The current version of this document is v001.